Why did I do this - I built the F3 because, I needed a way to process a high volume of transactions, collecting documents from many different sources and of many different types (from as many as 11 departments, scattered over multiple shooting locations, like invoices, petty cash envelopes, credit card receipts, expense reports, W9s and contracts or agreements) and I also needed to collect approvals without having to schlep home 36” of paper every night or stay at my office until 10PM because we were growing out of control or understaffed.
I know boring shit, PAPER - but I still need to run my business and I wanted to be able to put my young daughter to bed every night. AND I’ve been doing this since 2014 (long before the pandemic and zoom).
Going digital, growing and working hard don’t have to be a vampire of your time or attention. You get to choose where the work gets done and when and by whom. You can stash remote staff all over the world – it’s up to you.
So if you’re ready to transition to a digital workflow in your document intake, approval and ERP (accounting software) interface… then book a 20-40 minute call so we can discuss how we can set you up with software and a process that will simplify the paper in your office.
So click the button below and you’ll be taken to a call booking page where you can pick and day and time that is good for you. Pick a time and we’ll get on a call to discuss how I can help you get back your time and drive more revenue.
Implementing the F3 and an all-digital workflow reduced our workload by hours each month and eliminated redundant data entry with the keypunch errors that are prevalent in manual entry.
Click the button and book a call.